11 Ways to Naturally Hydrate your Skin

Jessica Lewis
October 29, 2016

Not only does a well-hydrated skin look nicer, but it also makes you feel and look younger and in shape. Moreover, beauty products women so much love can be applied so much better when the skin is in good condition. Dry skin, on the other hand, is sure to make you feel uncomfortable and will lead to the occurrence of fine lines and wrinkles so much faster than in the other cases. Aging, sunlight exposure, alcohol or cigarette smoking are just some of the factors that affect the skin and make it appear older than it is. Significant hormonal fluctuations or a diet poor in nutrients are equally damaging as they encourage inflammation.

One major element that contributes to the overall harm is stress which causes so many problems nowadays. People would do pretty much anything to avoid it, and for a good reason. Depression and anxiety are only two of the major psychological issues that can affect the overall skin condition. Fortunately, science comes to our help with a multitude of treatments and home remedies we can use to maintain a beautiful skin aspect for as long as possible.

How to Naturally Hydrate Your Skin

Researchers and nutritionists encourage people to introduce fruits and vegetables into their daily diets because they are packed with important vitamins and minerals that help the cell regeneration process. If such is the case, it seems they are beneficial for the body when used directly on the skin? We have listed some of the most efficient and straightforward ways to naturally hydrate the skin. Given that winter is approaching, you might want to give them a try.

  1. Drink Plenty of Water

Until recent, specialists were assuming that the ideal quantity of water one should drink on a regular basis is around two liters per day. Nowadays, many of them urge people to drink as much water as their bodies need, as long as they do not go below the two-liter limit. Water is the easiest, safest and more popular way to hydrate your skin, and not only during the cold season when there is an increasing risk for it to feel irritated and cracked. It is also beneficial during the summer months when the body naturally loses a lot of fluids through perspiration, so it is always good to make sure we keep a bottle around, just in case. While there is little research to back up the way water benefits our skin, the mere fact that the human body is made of no less than 60% water indicates how much it needs this vital fluid.

  1. Use Olive oil

Olive oil, especially the extra virgin one, is one of the healthiest oils, which Homer himself named as the “liquid gold.” If water has yet to undergo some more research, olive oil enjoys numerous studies and as many positive reviews from satisfied users. Why is it so beneficial? Specialists state it is full of antioxidants and healthy fatty acids that are sure to benefit the skin if applied directly.  Moreover, it contains two of the best vitamins for the skin rejuvenation, namely the A and E vitamins. One of the major benefits of using olive oil is that it does not clog the pores as in the case of many facial beauty products. However, one study showed that after four weeks of topical application, the participants who were small children registered a decrease in stratum corneum integrity (the epidermis’ outermost layer). This might indicate the fact that even the vegetable oils are not beneficial for all types of skin.[1]

  1. Try Homemade Facial Masks

There is not much science behind these types of masks as many of them are made of all-natural ingredients with numerous benefits for the body, both on the inside and out. Furthermore, the majority of home-made masks are designed for sensitive skin which is one of the skin types most prone to dehydration and irritation. Take note that all fruits and vegetables must be fresh.


  • Avocado mask: not only does avocado lower the LDL cholesterol level, but it also hydrates your skin when eaten or applied as a facial mask. Remove the skin and seed of one avocado, then mash and mix it with one tablespoon of honey. Apply on the skin and leave it for fifteen minutes. Rinse with plenty of water afterward. You can use avocado oil or ½ cup oatmeal instead of honey. Another way to use it in a facial mask is to mix ¼ ripe avocado with a teaspoon of plain yogurt and ½ teaspoon of honey. Leave the mixture for about ten minutes before washing it off.
  • Banana mask: if you thought bananas are only delicious, you might want to take into consideration their extremely high water content: seventy-five percent. Rich in fibers and potassium, they are sure to help your skin if used as follows: remove the skin of one ripe banana, mash then mix it with one teaspoon of plain yogurt and another one (or some extra drops if you feel the texture is not fluid enough) of orange juice. Apply it on your face and leave it for fifteen minutes before removing it. Many women use it as a way to prevent the occurrence of wrinkles. You might want to apply a facial moisturizer afterward, as bananas can dry your skin a bit before actually delivering on its promises.
  • Strawberries: this facial mask might quickly become one of your favorite, given the nice scent of fresh strawberries combined with their vibrant red color. Pick three large strawberries, then pour over a teaspoon of honey and turn them into a thick paste. Apply on the skin for ten minutes before rinsing off.
  1. Use Honey

Forget about expensive cosmetic products packed with chemicals that might lead to irritation and make your own facial mask by using honey. Studies conducted on its composition show that honey is a humectant, which means it can naturally attract and retain moisture for longer. Here are three ways in which you can put it to good use:

  • Mix two tablespoons of honey with another two of melted cocoa butter and add a drop of lavender essential oil. Apply and leave on the skin like in the case of the already mentioned facial masks.
  • Mix one tablespoon of honey with two tablespoons of jojoba or coconut oil then massage the resulting mixture onto your skin(this mask is good for unclogging your pores which will make your skin instantly look nicer)
  • Use plain honey on the dried areas of your face; your skin will be less prone to infection and acne due to its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties.
  1. Try Aloe Vera

For this, you can either buy aloe vera gel from a drug store in your area or cut one of its tubular leaves and obtain a 100% natural gel directly from the source. It contains vitamin A and vitamin E, and its texture will form a barrier against germs and microbes while at the same time hydrating the skin.

  1. Eat Hydrating Foods

Some fruits and vegetables are more beneficial for your skin because they contain a higher amount of water than others. Here are some of the best foods for a nice-looking skin that are best consumed raw: cucumber, lettuce, eggplants, cantaloupe, watermelon, carrot, apples, mango, pineapple, berries, grapes and kiwi.

  1. Eat Foods Rich in Amino-acids

Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins which are vital for a healthy body and delicate skin. Aging brings about a decrease in the natural production of amino-acids so you might want to make up for this with some plant or animal-based proteins. What aging also does is reduce the collagen and elastin levels which are essential for the skin’s firmness and elasticity. Foods packed with this type of compounds include lean meat, fish, eggs and dairy, beans and peas, walnuts, soy, olive or flaxseed oil.

  1. Use Plain Yogurt and Milk

Yogurt contains beneficial bacteria that help the body on the inside when consumed as food. Another way to use plain yogurt is to integrate it in facial masks. It is equally effective when applied to the skin because it prevents irritation and dryness from occurring. Mix one cup of yogurt with one tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of oatmeal, then apply on the skin. Chances are you will obtain enough mixture to use on your jawline and neck area also.

When used on the face, milk acts as a natural exfoliator. Less dead cells mean a more youthful aspect. Soak a washcloth in milk then place it on your face. Leave it for five minutes before washing off the remaining milk.

  1. Take Shorter Showers

Everybody loves long, hot, steamy showers as they feel more relaxing than those with cold and even warm water. The thing is, the skin is less likely to enjoy them as it tends to become dryer and is stripped of its natural oils. Not only are they bad for your skin, but your hair might suffer from the extensive showers as well. Try showering for ten minutes instead of staying for too long in the bathtub. Your skin will be thankful for this.

  1. Use a Humidifier

Dry weather is a major problem during the autumn and winter months, and the skin is sure to suffer from dehydration because of this. Aside from using facial masks and drinking plenty of liquids, you might want to buy a humidifier and place it in the room where you spend more time. Humidifiers add moisture to the air and prevent dryness. Both the skin and respiratory system will benefit from them.

  1. Use Natural Soaps

Many of the soaps currently on the market are full of chemicals and substances that are likely to damage your skin instead of helping it. Make sure you read the labels before buying a product. You might want to consult with a pharmacist as to obtain more information in regards to what soap best fits your skin and personal needs. Fortunately, there are numerous such products, thanks to people’s increasing interest in their health. Look for those that contain olive oil, aloe vera gel or shea butter as they will hydrate your skin and leave it clean. You can keep it all natural with your other beauty products as well, be they shampoos or cleansers.

Things to Avoid

A dehydrated skin hastens the occurrence of wrinkles. Many people have issues accepting them, in spite of being a normal part of aging. However, there are some other ways in which you can delay their appearance aside from maintaining your skin hydrated:

  1. Avoid Smoking

The compounds found in cigarettes mainly affect the teeth, fingers and the area around your mouth due to the frequent facial expressions. Moreover, smoking has the “talent” to damage the small veins below the dermis, thus affecting the production of collagen and elastin.

  1. Avoid Alcoholic Beverages

Studies show that average alcohol consumption causes the tiny blood vessels on the face to become larger, so the skin is likely to gain a reddish aspect after a few years. Furthermore, beverages with high alcohol content negatively interact with the body’s vitamin storage, often depleting it of vitamin A which is essential for healthy skin.

  1. Avoid Sun Exposure

Young people, in particular, love the sun. Many of them would spend an entire day under its burning rays without being aware of the effect it has on the skin. Studies show that sun exposure for extended periods can damage the skin layers and produce abnormalities on a cell level. Present-day statistics are worrisome: more and more people suffer from melanoma while others show symptoms of various cancers strongly related to the skin.

Hydrated skin is equally important, regardless of one’s age. While there are indeed many beauty products that specialists have carefully designed for maximum impact, you might want to try the tips we have mentioned above as well. Always remember that a healthy body will always equal a nice-looking skin aspect so make sure you eat plenty of vegetables and drink enough water to remain in shape.